Thursday, September 23, 2010

Republicans pledge to hasten the consolidation of wealth. Democrats pledge to help them.

By failing to address the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, the Democratic Party is all but ensuring the extension of tax cuts to the wealthiest 2% of the nation, and at least an additional 3.7 trillion dollars of budget shortfall for the foreseeable future.

If this is true – and it appears to be – then this will go down as one of the stupidest moves by the spineless weasels on the Hill – and that’s saying a lot for this crop of morons.   This was a win-win for the party – offer a needed tax break to 98% of the population, and force the Republicans to defend giving a break to the most privileged class in the nation.

It’s sickening, frustrating, depressing, and makes it nearly impossible to staunchly support the party.

Why?  Why would they make such an idiotic decision? 

Does the leadership of the party think that after the election they will be in a stronger position to stop $700 billion dollars from flowing back into the hands of the wealthy? 

Every single day it looks more and more like the government is simply an arm of the wealthy, working at their behest to protect their interests only.  As long as Republicans and Democrats alike are beholden to wealthy donors, there will no representation for the other 98% of the nation.

Citizen’s United was quite possibly the final nail in the coffin.  If there is no major campaign finance reform, we’re finished. 

I’m positively sick over it.