Thursday, September 16, 2010


It is truly a poignant commentary on the state of the Republican Party when Bush’s Brain gets excoriated for daring to articulate what everyone this side of Wingnutistan realizes – Chris O’Donnell is BATSHIT CRAZY.

Its one thing when (semi) rational conservative thinkers like David Frum get driven out of the herd for pointing out that the tea-bagged loonies are savaging the GOP’s long term viability for some short term success – and by success I mean cable TV ratings.  But it’s something else entirely when Wingnutistan’s former Mufti of Misinformation gets a tea-bag Fatwa of Heresy for speaking the truth for the first time since he admitted that without the WMD lie, the Iraq war might never have happened.

To say O’Donnell is extreme is putting it mildly.  O’Donnell is, of course, famous for her Anti-Masturbation crusade, which would likely earn her the private enmity of her potential Congressional colleagues, many of whom frequently beat their own drums, so-to-speak.  But that's just a small taste of her crazy.

More disturbingly, O’Donnell has objected to calling sufferers of AIDS as “Victims” and has insisted that rather than lower the risk of infection, the use of condoms actually encourages more sex, thereby leading to more HIV infection.  To show contempt for people afflicted with a deadly disease is not just crazy, it's disgusting and completely hypocritical for someone who claims to be an ardent follower of Jesus Christ's teachings.  What would the would-be Senator say to the Lepers Christ attended to?

This is also a woman who once said that during WW2 it would have been more moral to turn over Jews to the Nazis than it would have been to ‘practice deception’ by hiding them.  God, she contended, would provide a way out for those unlucky Jews.  One can only assume that the she believes that Anne Frank and family were punished by death for the lies of their failed Gentile protectors. 

Talk about Compassionate Conservatism.

The tea-bagged masses were appalled by Rove’s blasphemy, and immediately began a collective temper tantrum that continues as I write.  They called him a childish whiner and told him to shut up and jump on the bandwagon. Some demanded that he be suspended or even fired for his job at the Tea Bag Channel…I mean Fox News.  Sean Hannity looked like he wanted to cry. Michelle Malken didn’t mince words, calling Rove a ‘loser.’

And in a stunning bit of comic irony Rush Limbaugh invoked his own testicles when making his case for O’Donnell, urging Republicans join him in going ‘balls to the wall’ for her.  It will be interesting to see how El Rushbo can do that without breaking O’Donnell’s ‘hands off’ admonition. (How’s that for a brain searing image?)

Finally, the HMGIC (Head Momma Grizzly In Charge) of the Tea Party, former partial term Governor turned paid political infotainer, Sarah Palin mocked Karl Rove, chiding him to ‘buck up’ and join the circus or face his own unplanned obsolescence. 

Somewhere Dr. Frankenstein is shaking his head and saying ‘I told you so.’

How did Bush’s Brain fall so far so fast?  And how soon will he come to realize his new roll in the Neo-Neo GOP and just pile into the car with the other sad old clowns, like John McCain, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner?

O’Donnell’s extreme views epitomize the wild-eyed insanity of the ultra-right.  She’s just another in Momma Grizzly’s herd of opportunistic political cannibals.  Obviously it would be worse if O’Donnell won her Senate race, but the prospect of her parlaying her new found rock-star status into a 7 figure ‘contributors’  gig with Fox or publishing her anti meat beat manifesto scares me even more.   Somewhere deep down, I think that O’Donnell would prefer take her show on the road become a highly compensated national spokesperson for the up-and-coming Chastity Belt industry.

The most crushing realization that I had yesterday was that I actually agreed with Sir Turd Blossom for once in my life.  Rove knows that in the past fringers from the right used the primaries to not-so-subtly pull errant politicians back to their base while not alienating moderate republicans and middle-of-the-road Independents.  But the moderate Republican is going the way of the Dodo as the big tend shrinks.  This year, the tea-baggers are unseating even the marginally moderate Republicans. The inmates are taking over the asylum.  And with every lurch to the right, the Republican Party gets scarier and more dangerous, especially if they are able to wrest control of Congress from the Democrats.   Let’s hope that rational voters understand what Rove understands – that many of these ideologues are not only unelectable, they are nuts.


Almost as if on cue, Rover rolled over before his masters this morning, likely smacked in his snout by Uncle Rupert before being sent to the doghouse.  One can only presume that this morning, Rover was summoned early this morning to also fetch the slippers of Rush Limbaugh.  So much for him being the Boy Genius.

LATER UPDATE:  I think we may have a second round of GOP Establishment flogging on the horizon.  I just read that former Senator Al D'Amato did an interview this morning, saying the same things about  New York's Republican Gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino as Rove said about Christine O'Donnell.  Namely, that he's BATSHIT CRAZY!
"...anger overcame reason and enabled a fringe element to choose the Republican nominee. The end result was the selection of Mr. Paladino, a divisive figure simply not fit to lead this great state."

Stay tuned for a riveting night of coverage of this story on Fox News! 
