Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ummm…WTF is going on??

Ummm…WTF is going on??

First, I saw a story about thousands of birds just dropping out of the sky in Arkansas and I thought, ‘oh, that’s weird.’  But I since I was on vacation, I didn’t give too much thought to it after that.

Then, I read about 100,000 fish going belly up, also in Arkansas and I thought, ‘wow, that’s a bit of a coincidence, isn’t it?’  But after seeing the report I didn’t hear very about it again and it slipped my mind.

Not long after, I ran across an article about several hundred dead birds falling from the sky in Louisiana. When I read on, I noticed that the birds were of the same species as the birds that dropped dead a few hundred miles north and I was like. ‘whoa, it can’t just be chance. Something is up.’

Yesterday I saw this article about 100 tons of dead fish washing up on the shore of a Brasilian town and I gasped.  100 tons?  That’s a lot of fish.  The article said many of the fish were sardines. 100 tons of sardines?  That’s a shitload of sardines.  Sardines are small – a quick google search reveals that the average sardine is about 6 ounces.  That means that there were literally hundreds of thousand dead fish.

And I just read a story about 2 MILLION dead fish washing up yesterday in Maryland.  2 MILLION!  Something stinks here, and it’s not just the rotting fish!

While poking around I discovered that in the past few days there have been reports about thousands of crabs washing up dead in England, several thousand fish washing up dead in Florida, hundreds in New Zealand, and dozens of dead birds turning up in Sweden.

Anyway, I found this chart online detailing the mysterious animal deaths.

What’s going on?

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