Monday, September 13, 2010


(From August 16, 2010)

This weekend Newt Gingrich tried to compare Islam to Nazism, a bigoted charge that should make every religious person cringe.  But that was the least of his stupidity. 

In widening his war against the First Amendment, Gingrich hallucinated the assertion that 'we' would never allow the Japanese to build a house of worship next to Pearl Harbor.  Here is the exact quote:

"We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor. There's no reason for us to accept a mosque next to the World Trade Center."

The problem with this statement, aside from it's incredibly stupid assumption that we were attacked by a particular nation with a particular religion on 9/11, is that THERE ARE JAPANESE HOUSES OF WORSHIP within close proximity to Pearl Harbor.

Aiea Hongwanji Mission is less than 2 miles from the Pearl Harbor Naval Base and the USS Arizona Memorial and sits barely 1500 feet from the waters of Pearl Harbor.

Ewa Hongwanji Mission is about 4 miles from the Navy Base and less than 1 mile from the waters of Pearl Harbor.

Now, Mr. Gingrich may be trying to split hairs here, but the reality is that if the same Islamic group announced that they were going to build an Islamic center 1 mile, or 2 miles, or 10 miles from Ground Zero, the reaction would be exactly that same.  The same vile, race baiting would continue. 

Witness the completely unhinged reactions from the radical right to proposed Islamic houses of worship in Murfreesboro, Tennessee - more than 750 miles from Ground Zero, and  in Temecula Valley, California - a mere 2400 miles away from Ground Zero.  The animals wouldn't care if the Islamic center was 1 foot or 1000 miles from Ground Zero, they are just in the midst of a orgy of hatred in the hopes of driving their rank and file into blood frenzy of hatred toward the Head Muslim in Charge.

Not that it matters, but there are no less than 20 Japanese Shinto and/or Buddhist centers of worship within 20 miles of Pearl Harbor, in case anyone was curious.  I wonder how Rush could have missed them on his recent vacation to Hawaii.

I have yet to hear any of the Neo-Cons who oppose the Cordoba Center come out and forcefully support the right of American citizens to build Islamic houses of worship.  Let one of their bigoted number show some integrity and support equal religious rights for ALL Americans!  They won't, because they don't.

"I've said it openly, if they want to build this mosque in the South Bronx, I'm all for it,"

Who the hell is Newt trying to fool?  Thanks for *allowing* these pesky Turbin Toppers to build a house of worship in the South Bronx.  Really?  The South Bronx??  Newt Gingrich couldn't find the South Bronx on a map, and he certainly wouldn't ever want to walk the streets of the South Bronx, but he is generous enough to support the construction of a house of worship there.

And this man has the gall to call someone else a Nazi??

In the 1930's the German and Polish Nazis were kind enough to allow the stiff necked Yehudis to stay in their countries, as long as they lived in certain communities.  That was the opening salvo against European Jewry under the Nazis.  Within years, it wasn't simply enough to ghettoize them.  I wonder if Bryan Fischer and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the Wingnutistan braintrust have another solution to the problem of American Muslims?  Dare I say, a Final Solution?

You know, I don't like Mike Bloomberg very much, but at least this man has the balls to stand up and say 'This is America.  We must respect the people's right to freely worship.'  Newt Gingrich is a despicable being, and while he and the other racist Republicans may enjoy themselves a great big laugh in November, they are the ones, mapping the route to the destruction of America, NOT the Muslims who are practicing their Constitutional RIGHT to religion.

MSNY  08.16.10

Update:  And just as I am about to post this, Harry "No Sack" Reid, waffles on this most basic of issues and caves to the haters and skulks away with his dick in his pocket, saying that he thinks the center should be built somewhere else.  What a coward.