Monday, March 26, 2012


According to the imbecile Geraldo Rivera and the big brains at Fox News 'Half of it (the reason people like TrayvonMartin get killed) is the way the young men look.'

Somehow, the numbers crunchers in charge of assigning guilt in murders involving suspect apparel have concluded that the victim of these types of crimes bear 50% responsibility for their own deaths, due to their clothing.

How does Fox know this?  Because they investigated, right?  According to Rivera and backed up by Bill O;

Good question Geraldo.  And the answer is?

That’s right.  Everyone that ever stuck up a convenience store.  Everyone.  And here I thought that at least some people wore hoodies to keep dry from rain, like Trayvon did that afternoon, like I do, and like Geraldo has done himself.  Thank goodness Geraldo, O’Reilly, and Fox aren’t rushing to judge anyone.

Forget about the fact that robbing a convenience store isn’t a capital offense, according to Geraldo it’s apparently also okay for un-authorized self-appointed vigilantes to seek out, chase down and shoot dead anyone wearing a hood, anywhere, for any reason - because of the hoodie. Obviously apparel does not enjoy the same presumption of innocence that people do.

I think Geraldo was trying to rationalize his earlier stupid statements by claiming that the American psyche has been irreparably damaged by hooded sweatshirt wearing criminals, but his examples are just pathetic. They are predicated on the pre-determined guilt of people wearing ‘suspect apparel’ which is absolute bullshit.  And, by the way, what of the fact that Zimmerman was himself wearing a hoodie?  Surely, he didn’t think that hoodies were suspect, otherwise why would he wear one?   

Anyway, D.B. Cooper?!?  Wait.  What? “…the guy that hijacked a plane…”   Is Geraldo saying that had there been another brave Zimmerman type on that flight, perhaps D.B. Cooper’s dastardly crimes could have been thwarted?    Well, let’s start with the fact that D.B. Cooper wasn’t wearing a fucking hoodie when he committed his crime!  He was wearing a suit and tie.  D.B. Cooper has never been associated with hoods in any way.  Google it for yourself.  And, is idiot Rivera also suggesting that air travel would somehow be safer if passengers were allowed to shoot any other passengers wearing hooded sweatshirts? Or dark suits and glasses?  What is he talking about?   Because, everyone knows nothing bad can come from arming American air travelers, right?  

The Unabomber?  Sure, Ted Kaczynski terrified the public for a long time with his mail bomb campaign.  But that’s just it; it was a MAIL bomb campaign.  People weren’t afraid of some guy in a hood and glasses coming to get them, they were scared to open their mail!   And let’s face it, of all the infamous murderers in the United States – hooded or otherwise - the Unabomber is a small fry. A relative nobody.  He only killed 3 people. Dozens, no hundreds of maniacs have killed more and/or had longer reigns of terror.  

Again, let’s just play along for a moment. The theory is that because the Unabomber famously wore a hood, its natural to fear all hoods and their wearers. But by Rivera-logic, there are lots of other articles of attire that we should be far more afraid of.

Like Clowns suits!  John Wayne Gacy killed 33 people by posing as a children’s party clown.  33 people!  That’s 10 times as many victims than the hood-wearing Unabomber. It would stand to reason, using Fox News’ metrics, that anyone shot and killed while wearing a clown suit, would be oh, about 500% responsible for their own death, right? Better get Hannity on it.

Clean Shaven White Men in Gap Gear!  Florida resident, Ted Bundy confessed to killing over 30 boys, and is suspected in over 100 total murders.  He did all this while wearing collared shirts and slacks!   Just look around.  How many potential serial killers are lurking around wearing Khakis?  That’s a hell of a lot of people asking to be shot.  Mothers, please don’t let your kids wear Dockers.

Hospital Staff!  Beware of Orderlies bearing bed-pans!  Don ‘The Angel of Death’ Harvey killed 50 people while on the job as a hospital orderly.  And what about ‘Doctor Death,’ Fred Shipman?  He killed more than 250 people.  A doctor!!  Just walk down the halls of any medical center and you’ll see hundreds of employees wearing hospital gear - doctors, nurses, orderlies – they’re all suspect. So, it is perfectly logical to feel threatened by someone in a lab coat or scrubs considering the bloody history that’s associated with the profession, right?  People should be scared to death of hospitals.

What about Mobsters?  John Gotti and Sammy ‘The Bull’ Gravano killed a bunch of people.  And they did it looking sharp, in Italian tailored suits.  In fact, lots of mobsters rob stores and hurt people too.   Fox-think would dictate that all swarthy men in three-piece suits or track suits would be responsible for their own deaths because of the negative association with the Sopranos.  Al Capone wore a Fedora.  So did Lucky Luciano, and Carlo Gambino,   Can we blast anyone in a Fedora because of the hat’s historical connections to organized crime?

It’s alarming when you realize that we could fill hundreds of pages listing all of the suspect apparel that, based on Fox’s data, could provoke the justifiable summary execution of the wearer.  Maybe if Hannity is busy, someone at The Factor can get on this.

Just remember, the next time an overzealous, gun-totting, self-styled Charles Bronson wannabe chases down -against the explicit directions of law enforcement - and kills an unarmed individual for no apparent reason, don’t waste your time asking why that person, with a criminal record and a history of violence, is allowed to carry a concealed weapon.  Ask yourself the more salient question; ‘what suspect apparel was the victim wearing?’

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Don't Look Now...

Don’t look now fellow patriots, the country has been invaded.  A great Bolshevik army is sweeping across the heartland, crushing democracy and imposing a radical Communist agenda on millions of patriotic Americans.  They’re building ‘bases’ and setting up ‘camps’ in big cities and small towns from coast to coast.  They’re riding roughshod over the democratic rights of millions of people as we speak.  I’m talking, of course, about FEMA.

I’ll bet many of you patriots didn’t know as of May 13th, 2011, FEMA’s Kommissars have “declared emergencies” in over 400 counties,across 33 states.  Yes, in just 5 short months, over 65% of our nation has been conquered by FEMA’s Marxists.  In that time, their forces have succeeded in foisting millions of dollars on states across the nation.  Even proud sovereign nation-states like the Republic of Texas have been forced to take millions of Rubles.

What’s going on here? 

Well, in Texas wildfires caused by record droughts, bone dry brush, high winds and a marked lack of Jeebus have scorched the state for much of this spring, and Obama’s devious hordes know it.  As soon as the fires displaced thousands and caused severe economic disruptions, FEMA swept in.  Much of the great Republic has now been occupied; Santa Anna is knocking on the door of the Alamo.

But why are brave states like Texas being hit by all of these so-called natural disasters?  Why are American patriots watching their homes and livelihoods get destroyed?  Ron Paul knows why.  It's because people are dumb!

We should all thank Galt that there are patriots like Congressman Paul, willing to speak truth to power, reminding his fellow Texans about their “dumb mistakes.”  “Dumb mistakes” like allowing a record low, 13-hundredths of an inch of rain to fall on parts of Texas.  How dumb is that?  Who’s in charge of creating rain down there?

It’s surely not Rick Perry’s fault.  After bravely slashing funds for the Texas Forest Service in an effort to discourage the ‘dumb’ behavior of his constituents, Governor Perry recently devised a far more Conservative budget solution.  He had a plan:   Protect Texas and ensure that patriotic captains of industry wouldn’t have the anchor of oppressive taxes on their luxury yachts.   It sounded like a win-win.

Instead of all that expensive fire prevention and emergency response stuff that the Forest Service does on the off-chance that an emergency does occur, Perry would simply summon the Lord when needed.  Texas is, of course, God’s Country, so few people questioned his plan. And when the fires started, he lept into action. Perry ordered all Texans to pray for rain for 3 whole days.  Unfortunately, it didn’t work.  Maybe Texans didn’t pray hard enough.  Talk about dumb mistakes.

Throughout The Bible Belt, in the reliably pious and patriotic states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Georgia, many citizens are now under the jackboot of Communist occupation forces after they stupidly allowed tornadoes to destroy their communities and livelihoods.  It’s a shame that so few people have read The Objectivist's Guide to Defeating Statism AND Natural Disasters Through Prayer (and Money.)

Bible Belt
Disaster Affected States, Spring 2011

Right now millions of people living along the Mississippi River must be kicking themselves as the river experiences record flooding.  In Baton Rouge, the hometown of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, residents are on edge as they wait to see how dumb a mistake it was for city founders to locate a major city on the banks of a river. Building a city along a river??   I mean, who does that?

Jindal’s Governor’s residence in the state capital should be spared, though.  The Red Army Corp of Engineers has decided to open a series of floodgates up the river and target thousands of people dumb enough to live in poorer, rural areas.  Phew!

But over in Morganza, Louisiana, almost 30 thousand people live in the Morganza Spillway flood basin.  They have been ordered to evacuate as thousands of square miles of Cajun Country are expected to be drowned under up to 15 feet of floodwater.

It is humiliation upon humiliation for so many patriotic Americans across the nation.  First, they stupidly allow natural disasters to occur on their private property, then they are forced to accept millions of dollars of Socialist FEMA money, and then the folly of their mistakes is highlighted by patriots like Ron Paul. It's tough to be a patriot in 2011.

But do you know what the greatest humiliation for these patriots must be?

The greatest humiliation that a true American patriot can endure is the probability that his or her ‘dumb mistakes’ and failure to pray hard enough to the Lord for forgiveness for said 'dumb mistakes' will adversely affect future state and federal tax cuts for corporations and billionaires – the real backbone of this nation.  

Socialism is on the march throughout the Heartland, patriots, and it’s all due to the dumb mistakes and atheism of the bottom-feeders.   You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

MSNY 051811